Raccourcis clavier MacOS

Si dans le tableau de bord Présentation la case à cocher Aligner sur la grille est activé, vous pouvez malgré tout placer vos icônes là ou bon vous semble en maintenant la touche Pomme enfoncée.

Mac startup keys

When a Macintosh is powered-up or Restarted ("booted"), various pieces of Mac ROM and System software examine the keyboard, and take special actions if certain keys are held down. This page summarizes the actions.

This note originated from Mac List of Startup Key Combos hosted at Beepcom Communications. Please drop me a line if you have any correction, clarification, or additional information. (This note is devoid of any information concerning IDE drives - I know nothing about them, but would happily add any information that anyone offers.)

Booting involves several phases; startup keys take effect at different times depending upon the phase. Sometimes the same key has a different effect depending upon which phase it is sensed. Generally, you should hold the indicated keys down until the desired action takes place.

Boot ROM

Command-Option-P-R Zap PRAM (double boot)
R Force PowerBook to reset the screen
Command-Option-A-V Force an AV monitor to be recognized as one
Command-Option-T-V Force Quadra AV to use TV as a monitor
Command-Option-X-O Boot from ROM (Mac Classic only)
Mouse button Eject Floppy, then boot from SCSI
Command-Option-Shift-Delete Bypass startup drive (chosen in Startup Disk control panel, typically the internal drive at ID 0). Instead, scan for a System on other SCSI IDs (typically external, or CD).
Command-Option-Shift-Delete-# Boot from a specific SCSI ID, 0 through 6
C Boot from CD (Most late model Macs)

Upon appearance of the happy face, let go of any boot keys you may have needed, then immediately press any keys you need to control ...

Mac OS System startup

Command Boot with Virtual Memory off
Shift Disable all Extensions and Control Panels. Release Shift when the message "Extensions disabled" appears in the welcome box.
Space Open extension manager before loading Extensions or Control Panels. Release the Space bar when the Extensions Manager displays its screen.

Holding the Shift key early in the boot sequence disables all Extensions and Control Panels. Individual Extensions and Control Panels may disable themselves upon seeing the Shift key later in the boot sequence, but the timing for this is difficult to achieve! Upon loading, an Extension or Control Panel is supposed to display its icon in the "icon parade." If the icon is displayed at boot time, but the Extension or Control Panel disables because the Shift key is held or some error condition is detected, it is conventional for a red X to be drawn over its icon.

Immediately upon the appearance of the (blank) menu bar, press any keys you need to control ...

Finder startup

Command-Option Rebuild Desktop
Option Start without opening finder windows

After startup

Lots of Finder shortcuts are documented in the online Finder Help. (p.s. Don't delete that file: Certain Apple installers refuse to function unless that file is in its proper place.)

Command-Shift-1 (or 2, or 0) Eject a Floppy Disk [FKEYs]
Command-Option-ESC Force current app to quit.
Command-POWER Invoke the debugger (if MacsBug is installed) - G to return to interrupted code

Restart, Sleep, Shutdown

If you have a Power key, it is at the top of your keyboard, at the center or on the right hand side; it carries an incused triangle symbol.

POWER Present Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog - key R for Restart, S for Sleep, ESC for cancel, or Return for Shutdown.
Control-Command-Option-POWER Fast Shutdown
Command-Option-POWER Put late model PowerBooks & Desktops to sleep
Control-Command-POWER Unconditional, forced reboot

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Copyright © 1998-05-27
Charles Poynton - Mac